Scrum Poker for Jira



This page describes how to configure Scrum Poker for Jira to work in your Jira application.

General information

Scrum Poker for Jira can be configured globally and allows to overwrite some settings in the project specific configuration.

Global configuration

Scrum Poker for Jira has some global configuration parameters that can be configured from the administration section of your Jira application. This configuration is only available to users with the global roles Jira Administrators or Jira System Administrators assigned.

To locate the global configuration navigate to the Administration menu, then select the entry labelled Manage apps. You will now find a section called Scrum Poker in the left sidebar as shown in the screenshot below:

Locate the global configuration for Scrum Poker

On the page Configuration you have global configuration options to make Scrum Poker for Jira fit to your needs:

Global configuration for Scrum Poker

Project configuration

Scrum Poker for Jira also provides project specific configuration. This configuration is available to users having the global roles Jira Administrators or Jira System Administrators and for all users having the Project Administrator role for the given project.

To locate the project specific configuration navigate to the project and find the Project settings link in the bottom of the left menu. Inside the Project settings you can find a menu option called Scrum Poker that leads to the configuration.

On the page Project Configuration you can find the configuration options the make Scrum Poker for Jira fit to the needs of your Jira project:

Project configuration for Scrum Poker

Configuration options

This chapter describes the configuration options that are available to customize behavior and appearance of Scrum Poker for Jira. Every configuration option contains a block about whether this options can be configured globally and/or per project.

Confirmed Estimate Field

Select the custom field that is used to persist the confirmed estimate when completing a Scrum Poker session.

Jira Software creates the field Story Points for estimates. Since this field is translated into your Jira system language it might have another label. In a German Jira instance this field is called Story Punkte for example.

It is preferred to choose this field because estimates that are saved into this field are displayed in the estimate badge on the backlog of agile boards.

Scrum Poker for Jira currently supports the following field types to be chosen in the configuration and be filled with the confirmed estimate:

Field type Restrictions
Number Field accepts only numeric values
Text Field (multi-line) accepts all values
Text Field (single line) accepts all values
Radio Buttons accepts only configured options
Select List (single choice) accepts only configured options

Please let us know if you require other field types to be supported.

This setting can be configured on:
  • global configuration
  • project configuration

Estimate Permission Check

Decide whether every participant of a Scrum Poker session is allowed to save the estimate or permission to edit the issue shall be required for the current user.

This setting can be configured on:
  • global configuration

Card Set

Define the default card set to be used for Scrum Poker sessions. Use a comma-separated list of values. Special cards are defined by the keywords coffee (the user needs a break) and question (the user is not able to estimate).

The default card set that is preconfigured is the simplified Fibonacci sequence:

question, coffee, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100

When you define your own card sets always keep in mind that only numeric values can be confirmed and assigned to the Story Points field created by Jira Software.

This setting can be configured on:
  • global configuration
  • project configuration

Session Timeout

Adjust the session timeout of Scrum Poker sessions in hours. Sessions older than this timeout will not be shown on the Active Sessions page to keep this page clean and intuitive.

The default value is set to 12 hours which implies that sessions of the last half day are shown on the Active Sessions page.

This setting can be configured on:
  • global configuration

Activate Scrum Poker

Decide whether Scrum Poker is activated.

Scrum Poker can be activated or disabled for all projects with the Activate Scrum Poker setting in the global settings. This setting can be overwritten on project specific settings to activate or disable Scrum Poker explicitly for specific projects.

You can choose from the following options on the project settings:

Even if Scrum Poker is activated for a given project Scrum Poker sessions can only be started for issues that do have the Confirmed Estimate Field configured.

This setting can be configured on:
  • global configuration
  • project configuration

Allow Reveal Deck

Decide who is allowed to reveal the votes and make them visible during a Scrum Poker session. You can choose from the following options:

This setting can be configured on:
  • global configuration

Show Comments

Decide whether comments on the issue will be displayed in the Scrum Poker session. Some teams use comments to communicate and discuss details of an issue and so those comments might help when estimating an issue.

The following options are available:

This setting can be configured on:
  • global configuration

Show Additional fields

Decide which additional custom fields should be shown to participants during the Scrum Poker session to aid in an estimation.

All custom fields that exist in your Jira instance can be selected and displayed. The order of the fields configured here equals the order when being displayed during the Scrum Poker session.

This setting can be configured on:
  • global configuration

Show Dropdown on Boards

Decide whether to show the Scrum Poker dropdown on boards or not. In older versions of Scrum Poker this dropdown was the only way to access the list of active Scrum Poker sessions. Today the Scrum Poker menu elements in the Jira top menu Boards are preferred.

By default, this option is disabled as this feature is just a convenience feature for users of older Scrum Poker versions who want to use this way to open the Active Sessions page.

This setting can be configured on:
  • global configuration

Workflow configuration

Scrum Poker for Jira provides functions to interact with Scrum Poker from your Jira workflows.

Start Scrum Poker session

Scrum Poker offers the workflow function Start Scrum Poker session to start a Scrum Poker session on a workflow transition under the following conditions:

Inside your workflow configuration you can add so called Post Functions to a workflow transition (see screenshot below).

Start Scrum Poker session

After adding this workflow function remember to publish the changed workflow. Changes to workflows are only applied to future workflow transitions using this workflow if the workflow configuration is published.

If required you can easily remove the workflow function Start Scrum Poker session from the Post Functions overview panel again.